Monday: No School – Labor Day
Tuesday: Icebreaker Games – Get to know your team
Wednesday: Adventure to Veltus Park – Know before we go: How we travel/Safety/Walking Partners
Thursday: Create a nature comic [partner up/10min sit spot outside with partner to create rough draft]
Friday: Partner/Team Building Games - Did you get to know someone new this week?
Monday: Mindful Monday – yoga, stretching, group check-in
Tuesday: Gaga Ball
Wednesday: Soccer – stretch, warm-up, drills, play! [team captains: two most focused students before game time]
Thursday: Nature Walk
Friday: Beads & Bracelets
Monday: Step-by-Step Drawing
Tuesday: Rock, Paper, Scissors Relay Race
Wednesday: Adventure to Two Rivers Park
Thursday: Knot Tying Activity
Friday: Free Friday
Monday: Appreciation Cards – Who do you want to give an appreciation to?
Tuesday: Basketball – warm-up, knockout, game time
Wednesday: Flower Scavenger Hunt
Thursday: Frisbee Relay Races
Friday: Dinosaur Origami Activity
Monday: Yoga & One-line Drawing Activity
Happy to be back!
Mary & The GSES Mountain School Team