Had to start by sharing this proud moment. Go Logan!! His friends saw this and know it is more than possible! A beautiful creature lives in a a precious resource two minutes from our school day! We can build on that!
9/16 Monday- Medicinal Mullein Tea- taste and gather wild plants
9/17 Tuesday- Whiffle Ball
9/18 Wednesday- Yurt trip- easy hike into National Forest
9/19 Thursday- Sketch costume ideas
9/20 Friday- Spirit Halloween store visit
9/23 Monday- Apple-picking at Gregory Park
9/24 Tuesday- Fishing
9/25 Wednesday- Storm King Hike
9/26 Thursday- TRCS grounds clean up and 500 Football game
9/27 Friday- Basketball in the gym
I will show the kids this list tomorrow and ask for input! So far, we have added games and activities based on requests from Ryn and Pierce. We will also work towards a longer term project. I would love to hear some feedback from parents so we get things dialed in.
Happy Sunday everyone!