February 27th-March 3rd: - 2/27 Mindful Monday: Graffiti Art
How to write your name Graffiti Style!
- 2/28 Team Building Tuesday: Build the Highest Tower
Lego Towers
Human Tower
- 3/1 Wandering Wednesday: Sledding Day!
Winter Clothing is required.
Students may bring their own sleds.
- 3/2 Let's Talk Thursday: Topographic Map Lesson & Activity
How to read Contour Lines
How to Identify Features: Peak, Cliff, Ridgeline, Valley Saddle, & Dense Vegetation
- 3/3 Free Time Friday: Students Choice
March 6th-10th:
- 3/6 Mindful Monday: Mud Art & Nature Mandalas
Search for Supplies
Present to the Group
- 3/7 Team Building Tuesday: Human Knot Activity
Students will practice Teamwork & Communication!
- 3/8 Wandering Wednesday: Field Trip to GSES
Clean up the Community.
Trash Pick Up Activity, GSES vs Sopris Crew
- 3/9 Let's Talk Thursday: Rock Talk
Identify Rocks
Learn about Rock Origins
- 3/10 Free Time Friday: Movie Day at Sopris Elementary
Movie: Planet Earth
Students should bring extra snacks!
March 13th-17th - 3/13 Mindful Monday: Silver Surfer Trip to Veltus Park
River Observation
Rock Hunting
Playground Activity
- 3/14 Team Building Tuesday: Knot Tying Lesson
Square Knot
Bowline Knot
Figure 8
Trucker's Hitch
- 3/15 Wandering Wednesday: MTN School Pizza Kitchen
Pizza Creation (Gluten Free Options)
MTN School Pizza Kitchen Delivery Service around Sopris Elementary
- 3/16 Free Time Thursday: The Ultimate Playground Afternoon
- NO SCHOOL on 3/17
March 20th-24th
- 3/20 Mindful Monday: Short Story Creation & Scene Drawing
Brainstorm Ideas
One paragraph short story
Draw a scene.
Present to the Group
- 3/21 Team Building Tuesday: Blindfold Trust Walk
Students will practice Teamwork & Listening Skills!
- 3/22 Wandering Wednesday: Field Trip to GSES
Wander on the Rio Grande Trail, Rio Grande History Discussion
Rock Hunting
Team Building Games at GSES
- 3/23 Let's Talk Thursday: Spring Break Safety & Springtime Games
Spring Break Safety Discussion
Predator vs Prey
Blind Tag
- 3/24 Free Time Friday: Movie Day at Sopris Elementary
Movie: The Incredibles
Students should bring extra snacks!